Thankfulness Poster Board


Click the board to see a larger version

As Thanksgiving approaches, we are mindful that we have much to be thankful for in our lives. On Sunday, October 10, come prepared to write some of your ideas on a post-it note to add to our “thankfulness poster board.” We hope this visual reminder will encourage us all and perhaps serve as inspiration in prayers of gratitude.

For those that cannot attend church on October 10 or wish to post your idea now, please use this page to add your thoughts to the comment section below. These comments will be added to the actual poster board in church, so others can view them on a post-it note, too.

5 Responses to Thankfulness Poster Board

  1. Beth Armitage says:

    I thank God for allowing me to live in Canada where I am free to worship without fear; of persecution; where evidence of His magnificent creativity abounds in the gorgeous natural beauty across this vast country; where we live “comfortably”.

  2. Hilda Finlayson says:

    I am thankful that in 1953 St. Matthew’s accepted me as a new member of their faith family, who have been through the years a constant joy and blessing to me in so many countless ways!

  3. Lily Jasinskas says:

    I am so grateful for my three children who inspire me to be a better person.
    I feel so blessed to have found a profession that challenges me and gives me such joy every day, as well as a second job where my work is to play!
    Lily Jasinskas

  4. Sinikka says:

    I`m thankful for all the researchers and scientists who developed the Covid vaccines and all the dedicated medical staff who tended to those infected even at the risk of their own health and sanity.

    Too many blessings to count—-Brian

  5. Marilyn Schultz says:

    God’s continual love, good health, family and friends!

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